March 26, 2025
The mission of the Washoe Republican Women is to support and promote the principles and philosophy of the Republican party. We provide a forum for discussion of key issues affecting our community and nation, and an opportunity for women of all ages throughout Washoe County to engage and support the Republican party, the National Federation of Republican Women, and the Nevada Federation of Republican Women.
We, the members of Washoe Republican Women, strive to become a role model Republican Women's club for the Nevada and National Federations; to be known and respected throughout our community for our professionalism, our collaborative involvement with sister clubs, and our influence as a political force and voice in support of conservative principles.
We believe:
All members, irrespective of age, education, socio-economic position, ethnicity, culture of origin, or political beliefs are entitled to be treated with equal respect and dignity.
All members are free to express differences of opinion and philosophy as long as such disagreement is voiced professionally and with respect for the dignity of other members and the code of conduct in effect for the occasion (e.g., Robert's Rules of Order, etc.).
We are more effective and politically influential as members of the NFRW and NvFRW; hence we honor the Bylaws of the Federation structure and work to support organizational programs, policies, plans and strategies.
Our first priority at regular meetings will be the expeditious and efficient conduct of business and planned programs. Members have the opportunity for social networking after the business meeting has concluded.
WRW’s elected and appointed officers serve at the pleasure of the membership at-large and are subject to recall whenever they have lost the confidence of that membership.
All members will receive a copy of the bylaws, standing rules and board and regular meeting minutes.
WRW Club Objectives:
Promote an informed public through political education and activity.
Increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through political participation.
Foster cooperation among Nevada Women’s Republican Clubs.
Support the objectives and policies of our State and National Federation of Republican women.
Work for the election of Republican Candidates.
Foster loyalty to the Republican party to promote its principles.